St Anne's Pro-Life Concert and Lunch, Father's Day 2023

"Let's go to Dad's, Sunday for Father's Day—He loves to grill and feed us!"
It's true, Dad does love to feed us. St Joseph probably reveled in feeding his family.
Don't get me started naming examples, because I can go on all day; "Jesus fed 10,000",
and "Feed my sheep" are two examples that jump to mind.
So it makes sense—let's go to Dad's for Father's Day, he will cook. Maybe that is what Father's Day is noted for: the day that, statistically, Dad cooks, and the day, statistically, with the fewest parishioners at Mass, the fewest "seats in the pews."This was the challenge when we undertook to offer our Pro-Life Event on Father's Day at St. Anne's. Our hook, our method to attract people, was "Feed Dad free lunch," a free presentation with the Ulibarri Family hoop dancers, and professional pro-life advocate Marty Rotella. Anybody could come, Fathers and Families. The result? We fed over a hundred people, and many stayed for the wholesome entertainment. The Ulibarri hoop dancers are a wonderful Family—an example of a pro-life family in our parish. Marty Rotella, a father, gave us beautiful examples of upbeat, positive , pro-life songs and actual lives saved. He challenged us to look in the mirror and see the eyes of our Father, yes, our Father and Jesus.Finally, Fr. Larry Brito blessed us all for spreading the word of God on our journeys.What does an event like this take to execute? Men, fathers of course, and women that love them. I shall name just a few who were instrumental. First Knights of Columbus: Ozzie, Mike Specht, Richard Martinez, Vince Campione, and me, James. We are members from Councils in Santa Fe, Specifically the Cathedral, St. Anne's, Santa Maria de La Paz, and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pojoaque Valley. Also members of the men's group Hermanos Cruzados: Larry Vigil, Tony Salazar, and Gilbert Sandoval. Donations came from El Charrito Mexican Restaurant, Jeff Posa at Posa's tamale factory, Cornerstone Bookstore, Coca-Cola Bottling, Karen and Sharon Martinez (they provided a cupcake rosary that was delicious), and the St. Anne's Choir. Knights of Columbus at the Cathedral and Santa Maria de La Paz donated man power, and cash. The Right to Life of Santa Fe County organized and served food, provided advertising and made the artwork for the event. They deserve credit for generally sponsoring the event. Thank You! The event was successful; a few hard-working fathers let their grills idle this Father's Day, and rested. Families rested and looked for Jesus in their lives.

Knights, Thank you to all of you, for all you do on behalf of the Pro-Life cause. I offer one short note from the event. A young boy was asked by Marty Rotella at the concert: "What do you think of when you think of the word 'Father'?" He answered "The Father. the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Good answer. You are doing your jobs, Fathers. Go Knights!