Mass on the Mountain 2023

Every year on the 2nd Saturday of October the Knights of Columbus have Mass on the mountain at 10 AM at the Lookout which is a half mile below Ski Santa Fe. This year they were blessed to have Fr. Benny Sebastian CST, Ministerial Assistant of SMDLP who said the mass. The youth choir from Española did the music again this year. About 50 brave souls from all the parishes of Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico were joined by 25 stargazing photographers from all over the continent.who came for the annular eclipse.

Even though the morning started out cold, it was a wonderful experience to have a mass said in the God created cathedral with the aspens bowing in reverence to our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a blessing to see our prayers reaching heaven through the clouds during the consecration of the mass, it not only engulfs our spirit like angels, descending and ascending in the sun’s rays which are shining upon the Lamb on the Altar of Sacrifice. The sun was off this year because of the astronomical wonder of the annular eclipse, the leaves on the aspen trees changed from bright yellow to a soft amber in color during mass and our bodies still did

warm from the sun as God warmed our hearts with love knowing our hope was in him as we prayed over Santa Fe. It was quite the experience of having mass on the side of a mountain at the same time nature was having a natural phenomenon.