THE SEARCH for men and women

Begins Ash Wednesday - February 17, 2021

SEARCH BEGINS - Join us each week during Lent for a live show on, where Chris will be discussing how to successfully utilize The Search to IGNITE RENEWAL in the Church through small groups. The world is changing, but the essential human questions remain the same. We are all searching for something. Why am I here? Where did I come from? What happens when I die?

We find the answers to life’s big questions when we wrestle with them in faith. In fact, the story of human history has largely been a story of faith. We need a relationship with our maker—a relationship with life—to make sense of all of this.

Who am I? What do I want? Is there a point to my life? Where am I going? Who am I journeying with along the way?

Discover your answers in The Search.

This Lent, join Chris Stefanick and Bishops from around the country for a seven-week retreat using -The Search. Beginning February 17, we will be exploring the major questions of life, like: Why am I here? What is the life I was made for? Is there a God? Does He even care about me?

More than likely, you have a nagging feeling – a yearning – to understand your place in the cosmos. You wonder. You question. You explore. Welcome to the human story.

The Search is an innovative video series that tackles the key questions of every human heart. In seven beautifully filmed episodes hosted by our own Chris Stefanick and featuring other experts from multiple fields of science, medicine, psychology, art, and religion…they examine our place in the larger story of existence. Whether you’re a practiced inquirer or a jaded skeptic, The Search will speak to you. You may be reassured by some parts, and challenged by others. Either way, you’ll find a lot here to think about. And when all is said and done, life’s questions demand to be answered.

In seven visually stunning episodes, participants journey together as they explore: Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die?


Are you ready for The Search?

You can purchase The Search by clicking the link below OR you may already have access to it through your parish’s subscription to FORMED.

If you're on, you can already access The Search, there is no need to purchase here.

Click the link to purchase the DVD of The Search at  for individual households and public groups.

Click the link to access The Search through your parish or get parish access to FORMED at

Join us for what could be your most meaningful Lent ever!

Access begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Categories: District 9

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