Santa Fe Knights Second Catholic Men’s Conference

This is the Santa Fe Knights Second Catholic Men’s Conference.

The first one was four years ago when Fr. Michael Niemczak was an associate pastor of Santa Maria de la Paz. The group set up Parish Captains in every parish who oversaw the prayer and fasting program and they set up meeting time and places for men. These men formed groups that met every week. First with Bishop Olmstead’s “Into the Breach” program to meeting weekly to discuss men’s masculinity the rest of the year. This year the Prayer and Fasting program is online and all can participate in it. The program is not just for those who went to the conference but for anyone who is interested in forming a stronger faith.

Men are encourage to take the responsibility to form their own groups by banning together through their daily encounters where God is calling them, whether it is though the Knights of Columbus, a church group, or through a close friend.

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